





Welcome to the 网赌最好最大平台 Campus 部, where we are dedicated to nurturing the holistic development of our students. While academic excellence and interpersonal connections are valued, we believe that true transformation stems from a deep, 个人与神的关系.

网赌最好最大平台, you’ll encounter a vibrant Christ-centered community comprising faculty, 工作人员, and students who are committed to integrating their faith into every aspect of life, 无论是校内还是校外. Our university has a rich tradition spanning over a century, rooted in the fusion of faith and education. 这种独特的方法使我们的学生成为推动王国和全球影响的催化剂.

Our curriculum is intentionally crafted to blend faith and learning, demonstrating how one’s beliefs can inform and enrich their chosen career paths. However, our commitment to spiritual growth extends beyond the classroom. 从与教授的祈祷和奉献时刻到个人指导机会, 教堂服务, 宿舍祈祷, 敬拜聚会, and transformative mission trips abroad, there are numerous avenues for students to deepen their faith journey.

选择网赌最好最大平台意味着开始一段变革性的经历,你不仅会在学术和社会上成长,还会在精神上成长. 加入我们,与基督建立更深的关系,更深刻地理解我们在他国度里的目的.

A solid black square displaying no visible elements or text.

Here are a few ways you can grow in your faith…


One of the many facets that make the 网赌最好最大平台 experience unique is our 教堂服务. 每周两次,每次50分钟, 整个校园社区聚集在纳什教堂崇拜和上帝的话语教学的时间. Vibrant worship services are led by talented members of our student body. 每个教堂都有一个演讲嘉宾,他通常是一个地区或全国知名的沟通者. 我们努力将高水平的演讲者带到教堂,他们有一些东西可以分享,我们认为这将使我们的学生受益,并在精神上“推动”他们. 从一开始,教堂服务就一直是网赌最好最大平台DNA的关键组成部分,使我们与大多数其他学院和大学区别开来.


与他人一起学习和敬拜的机会不仅仅局限于我们的礼拜堂服务. We also offer opportunities to meet with others through our Life Program. 我们每学期都有20-25个小组开会,讨论一系列的主题. 自成立以来,我们至少有300名网赌最好最大平台学生,教师和员工投资了一个生活小组! These groups are designed to be more relational in manner, 为我们的校园家庭提供与他人深入成长的机会,一起简单地生活.

因为我们务要按着基督的身体聚集在一起, 参加礼拜堂是必须的. 每个学生都必须累积 26 chapel credits per semester (16 if you are a commuter) out of 30 教堂服务 while at 网赌最好最大平台. This gives on-campus students 4 unexcused absences per semester to use as they wish. 为生病等缺勤找借口, 紧急情况, and traveling for school-related purposes will not count against the student’s total. Students may accrue their 26 (or 16) credits through one of two pathways:


学生获得必要的精神形成学分的第一种选择是选择绕过生活小组获得学分,而只通过参加教堂服务获得学分. 在这个选项中, 学生需要参加26 (16), if commuter) of the 30 offered 教堂服务 to pass. Students will be allotted 4 unexcused absences per semester. Choosing this pathway does not exclude students from participating in a Life Group. Students are encouraged to plug into any of the following groups, they simply won’t receive chapel credits for attending.


学生在积累必要的精神形成学分的第二个选择是通过选择参加教堂服务和生活小组来获得精神形成学分. 在这个场景中, 学生最多可获得8(4)个学分, if commuter) credits from attending a Life Group. Their remaining credits must come through attending 教堂服务 (i.e. 18, 12).  Students can explore the various groups offered through 网赌最好最大平台 by exploring the 2023年秋季人寿集团目录. 一旦学生有了几个兴趣小组,他们可以通过以下链接报名参加一个小组: 在这里注册.

While we believe in the importance of being together, 我们明白,在学生无法控制的特殊情况下,他们可能需要申请教堂豁免. These scenarios are academically related in the case of internships, 一些实习课程, and student teaching; medical-related amid the COVID-19 pandemic; and, 与工作相关的通勤者在教堂日没有在校园上课,并且在那些日子里有工作需要他们在校外工作. 在这些情况下, 学生必须填写教堂豁免表格,并附上表格中注明的任何适当文件.



Logo featuring a knight's helmet with a red plume next to the letters "网赌最好最大平台" in red, and the word "CHRIST" in red to the right.

网赌最好最大平台的基督运动员是一个专门为我们的学生运动员量身定制的动态圣经学习. 我们的目标是通过促进有意义的讨论和从圣经中汲取见解来促进属灵的成长. In this welcoming and supportive community, 个人可以自由地表达自己,并就他们的信仰之旅进行真实的对话. Our activities are centered around collective training, 包括物理, 精神, 精神方面. 最终, 我们的努力根植于荣耀神,并渴望在我们生活的各个方面反映他的品格.


Periodically there are special events held on campus. 其中一些是由参加敬拜事工项目的学生组织的, 他们总是很棒, 清爽的经历. Other times, a group of students might feel led to plan something unique. Working with the Campus 部 office, these evening worship experiences can be rich and good for the soul.




网赌最好最大平台达到让我们的学生通过在我们地区的教会和组织中服务,成为基督的手和脚. To Learn more, please click the button below.


网赌最好最大平台 Campus 部 is excited to launch a new Graduate Residency program! The 研究生住院医师计划 intends to provide practical ministry experience, 同时进行学术研究, 为圣经研究领域的本科生提供1-2年的课程, 神学, 或与政府部门相关的领域. Interested students may contact the 校园部长, 杰克•拉 (jratliff@krissystems.com),查阅资料或申请.

A full over of the program may also be found here: 项目概述

  • Submit a resume with 3 references to the 校园部长 (jratliff@krissystems.com).
  • 向校园部长提交一篇文章(2-4页),回答以下问题:
    • What does ministry mean to you in your own words?
    • What are your goals upon the completion of your studies?
    • How may this program help you accomplish those goals?
    • In what areas do you think this program will help you improve?
  • 申请并获得Keeran圣经学院网赌最好最大平台研究生课程的录取(或有条件录取) & 部.




一个留着短发、穿着有绿色和红色小印花的白衬衫的男人对着镜头微笑. He has a light complexion and the background is brown.


一个留着棕色短发的男人, 一个胡子, 留着小胡子的他穿着灰色领衬衫,在中性的棕色背景下对着镜头微笑.




“我永远不会忘记网赌最好最大平台的圣经和事工教授对我的关心. They didn’t just see me as a student number. 他们投入了时间, 祈祷, and love into my life and my ministry, and I’m eternally thankful for their influence.”


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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